
Books, books, games

April 25, 2016

PHOTOS OF BOOKS. BOOKS AND GAMES. Inspired by a Facebook post, I thought I'd take photos of my (mostly) RPG and tabletop related books. I'll aim to take more pictures as the collection grows... and shrinks. I'm a terrible hoarder, and putting books and magazines in boxes, out of sight and mind, makes me sad.

Porked lightning

March 27, 2016

Here's a light-hearted game you can throw at your PCs to add a little respite and amusement to their next visit to “town”. It uses a game I remember from years ago as a kid, a game where instead of rolling dice you get to roll two plastic pigs: Pass the Pigs from Winning Moves (MB in my day!). In Pass the Pigs, "each turn involves one player throwing two model pigs... The player gains or...